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Traveler of the Void - World Map

 Traveler of the Void

(Book 4 of the Guardian of the Spirit Series)

Author: Uehashi Nahoko
Translator: Ainikki the Archivist



I got a decent-ish scanner for Christmas, so I'll be adding images/maps to the book as I get the time. Sorry this isn't better, but I am absolutely terrible at stuff like this, and I figure something's better than nothing...

Edit: Images make this blog run slow as molasses, so I'll be including the pictures in the eBooks/PDFs only. I wish I could keep them here, but I tried all morning fiddling with configurations and nothing we're stuck with words only in posts, for now. This map doesn't seem to be causing issues, so I'll leave it up, and see if the other maps behave as well.


  1. Wait, did you... draw this? Trace it? Scan it and then write on top of it?

    Also, thank you for including this! It's a larger-scale map than the ones we've seen previously, which is cool.

    1. Well, I have *some* Photoshop experience. And GIMP. I used GIMP. :)

      The size made this a bit difficult. There are some terrifically detailed high-quality maps of the northern continent (the one at the bottom of this page was just gorgeous):

      But, no Sangal.

      So I created 2 snips from the eBook version, mashed them together (a little imperfectly but it's okay I guess), whited out the katakana and put in English. It took a while. I'm glad that nice map of the northern continent is already in existence because it'll save me a lot of work. :)

    2. And I just realized that the lovely map I linked to *does* show Sangal in a map-within-map, but it's not as detailed. I'll save that map for "Guardian of Heaven and Earth," because the characters do a lot of traveling in those. :)

  2. Well I'll add "drawing" to your list of skillsets. XDDD It looks very nice.

    1. Well, I did try, but I'm a writer, not an illustrator. :P I'm glad there's only one map per book. :)

    2. By the way, I've been AWOL because I'm swamped with end-of-the-quarter stuff (I'm both a student and a teacher) but once it's done I'll be busily catching up!

    3. No worries. Thanks for the check-in; I'm glad you're okay (if insanely busy). I've lived that life, too (teacher and student at the same time...eek! And that was way before COVID). Take care of'll have plenty to read when you do finally get a chance to slow down. :)
