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Guardian of the Spirit - Master Post

This post contains the master list of all of translations for Guardian of the Spirit. Download offline reading files here

  Guardian of the Spirit

Author: Uehashi Nahoko
Translator: Ainikki the Archivist

Master Post

This page collects the links, PDFs, and other formats for the "Guardian of the Spirit" novels by Uehashi Nahoko. I made this because free blog navigation tools are not always the best. Think of this as the collective master post for the series.
Please support the official release! The first two books have been published in English translation at the links below: 
All of this is a labor of love; I make no money and desire no credit for anything except the translation. The story belongs to Uehashi Nahoko and her publishers; the images belong to Futaki Makiko and Satake Miho.

Looking for other translations of Uehashi Nahoko novels? Click here. 
Looking for Tansou Tsukai's Guardian of the Dream translation? Click here.


Guardian of the Spirit

 Authors: Uehashi Nahoko (Writer), Gatō Asao (Mangaka)

Guardian of the Spirit

Author: Uehashi Nahoko


Guardian of the Darkness

Guardian of the Dream

Author: Uehashi Nahoko


Traveler of the

Author: Uehashi Nahoko


Guardian of the

Author: Uehashi Nahoko


Traveler of the
Blue Road

Author: Uehashi Nahoko


Guardian of Heaven
and Earth

Author: Uehashi Nahoko


The Wanderer

Author: Uehashi Nahoko


Those Who Walk
the Flame Road

Author: Uehashi Nahoko


Where the Wind Takes Us

Author: Uehashi Nahoko


The Light of Spring

Author: Uehashi Nahoko


Manga Gaiden: Jin

Mangaka: Gatō Asao



  1. The PDF is locked for download. IDK if that was your intention, just an FYI.

    Thank you again for taking on this project. And you finished Void before Christmas, just as you hoped! Well done!

    1. The PDF link should work now. I managed to download it while signed out just from the link; let me know if you still have trouble.

      I'm really glad to get it done, though of course the work of editing and checking the translation has just begun. :) And I'm plugging away at "Guardian of the God," which is even gorier than I remembered (brace yourself...)

      I'm glad you made it through your holiday gauntlet and are able to get caught up. I hope you enjoyed the novel. :)

    2. Yep, all good now! And it's got pictures and everything! Now I can look at the pictures while I read the illustrator's note. :)

      I hope you had a good holiday. Mine was utter, utter madness, but that seems to just be the nature of the year. >_< Thanks again!

    3. Until a few years ago, my own holidays were also utter madness...I'm sorry you have to go through that. :( My family was split by divorce three times, so I would have 3 Thanksgivings, 3 Christmases, etc., usually all on the same day. But two of these factions were openly abusive, so I said goodbye to them forever, and this year my holidays were pleasant and reasonably quiet.

      I hope you enjoy the pictures! I'm glad the PDF works. I'm translating and editing and all that fun stuff, so while the next few days may be a bit quiet around here new posts-wise, there is much going on behind the scenes. *steeples fingers*

    4. That is A-OK, you take as much time as you need. (And I'm so happy to see that another reader found this; I was worried maybe no one would?)

    5. Well, free blogs being free blogs (which means no advertising--which I like!) means this may be a little off the well-trodden internet path. But if Moribito fans use the Wiki and check out the translation pages, they might find it eventually. (I've also only been posting for, what, a month? XD)

    6. I will be sure to update my masterpost as you complete each book. :)

    7. I noticed that already! :) You're quick!

      The format I've chosen going forward should be the same for all the books, so they'll each have their own master post as well as being linked here. The tags at the right side of the blog should help sort posts by book. I hope I've made it easy to find stuff... *shrugs* If anyone has other suggestions to make the layout more user-friendly, I'm all ears.

  2. Thanks for this! I have wanted to read more of the Moribito series for many years, and I finally can. Thanks for making this more easily available

    1. You're very welcome! :) I hope you enjoy it. I'm busily translating the next book, so I'll start posting chapters for that one soon.

    2. Awesome! I'll be looking forward to it

  3. Moribito is comfort food for my soul and a go-to when I'm feeling particularly depressed. I figured I'd never get to experience Balsa's story beyond the second novel. Words can't express just how happy it made me to stumble across this fan translation project via a random Reddit search. Thank you so, so much for doing this, you made my year!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so happy you found these translations, and I hope they give you joy and comfort. :)

      Another fan translated the third book, if you haven't read that one already. You can find that one here:

      I'll be translating the rest, including the gaiden (short story collections).

      Thank you again for your kind comment, and I hope you enjoy reading the rest of the series!

    2. Yes, I saw the third book translation mentioned here on your page and was able to track it down with a Google search. I now have all the translations currently available loaded onto my Kindle, and I'll absolutely be checking back regularly for updates.

      Thanks again, Christmas came early this year! :)

    3. Awesome! :) I just finished translating "Guardian of the God" yesterday, so I'll be starting translation work on "Traveler of the Blue Road" today. I almost always make my deadlines, so you can rely on the dates I've posted for when new PDFs/Kindle books will be available.

  4. Hi! You're doing fantastic work, ty so so much for doing this! I especially love your estimated completion dates and i will mark my calendar so that i check back to see if they've been completed- obviously take your time though haha i feel super lucky that you're out there doing this, so i am happy to wait patiently:) godspeed with the work and again tysm <3

    PS i saw on that the book "All About Moribito: The Complete Guide to the Moribito Series" has 2 short stories that were written specifically for that publication. Are those 2 stories still unique to that publication or have they been reprinted as "Those Who Walk the Flame Road" and "Where the Wind Takes Us"? Thank you :)

  5. Thank you! It's nice to be appreciated! :) I've hit all my deadlines so far; I'll do my best as I keep going.

    The Complete Guide to Guardian of the Spirit is the only book I don't have--I've ordered it, but it's taking ages to get here. The two stories in it are very short, but they are separate from "Those Who Walk the Flame Road" and "The Wanderer." I wish it had an eBook version, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Still, I plan to translate those whenever I get the book. :)

    1. Great! Thank you for the quick response and for clearing up that they are indeed unique to that book :) keep up the excellent work ^^ <3

  6. Another question haha!
    After finishing translating Moribito, do you have any plans to translate:
    1. Seirei no ki
    2. Tsuki no mori ni kami yo nemure
    3. Koteki no kanata - (a fun look at prologue translations for it: )
    4. The Deer King series?

    Obviously no pressure haha I'm just curious and would love the chance to read all that Uehashi has done :)

    1. That would be ambitious indeed! I do have the Deer King series, but that one may be officially translated soon, and then I'd have to pull mine. I've ordered the other books, so I'll take them under consideration.

      I wouldn't be able to start work on any of them until next year, though. Is there one you really want to see translated? Or should I just try to go in order?

    2. There's an ongoing translation of Deer King, too, if you're curious. (Good thing, too, as that would be quite a bit of work for me--and their packaging is less child-reading friendly than the Moribito series):

      I may decide to translate it if it piques my interest, but my first impression of it is that it's a bit too dense and focused on political shenanigans to be a favorite. I'm planning on reading some of that translation I've linked to above in order to see if it pulls me in. :)

    3. Tysm for linking that translation! I'll def check it out! As for the first three I listed, I'd be thrilled if you would do them in order just bc I prefer to experience a creator's work in order bc it tells a kind of story about what they focus on over time, but, of course, feel free to do none of it or all of it or in any order haha as I said, I'm just so thankful you're doing this at all ^^ <3

    4. Like I said, I'll consider it. :) I may not be the best translator for all of Uehashi's work because, from what I can tell, each series focuses on different things. (I would have translated "Beast Player" quite a bit differently than the official version, which makes me think that I'm just a bad fit for it, for example.)

      Deer King looks great on paper but its pacing is all over the place and it's conceptually (allegorically) driven instead of character-driven which is a bit annoying. It's possible that I'm not ready for it yet. Hopefully the other translator will keep going so that I don't have to do it. :P

      As for the other three, I'm not sure. I've never read 'em. We'll see. Koteki no kanata is the one I have the most inherent interest in (since it seems most closely connected to Moribito).

    5. Reference librarian powers at work. ^_^ Translation? Found.

    6. There must be something in the water this translations of Uehashi works popping up all over the place :)

  7. hi! i watched the anime so long ago, and have read the first two official novels twice now. that was a while back, but my love for the series remained. i recently rewatched the anime and it made me realize why i loved it again. then as always, i got bummed once i remembered there were no (official) translations beyond the first two. until i found your translations! thanks you so much, i can not wait to dig into these books once again! you are a blessing. such a hidden gem.

    1. Aw! :) You're very welcome! The third book is done by Tansou Tsukai, so between us, we've translated almost the whole series. I hope you enjoy the other books, and happy Thanksgiving (in the States)!

  8. I have wanted to read these books for many years but was never able to find translations of them. I was beyond excited to find these. THANK YOU so much for taking the time and effort to do this!

    1. You're very welcome! :) I hope you enjoy them!
