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      Kaneko Atsushi's R: The Original    Beyond the Werefox Whistle    Fire Hunter Series    Gatchaman Novel

Beyond the Werefox Whistle - Master Post

 Beyond the Werefox Whistle 

Written by Uehashi Nahoko

Illustrated by Yumiko Shirai


Offline Files:

Chapter by Chapter:


Prologue: Encounter

Part 1: A Seal is Broken

Part 2: The Cursed One and the Guardian

Chapter 3: Weaving Threads of Light
Chapter 4: A Guest for the Evening
Chapter 5: The Fields Burn
Chapter 6: Milk Siblings
Chapter 7: Gloomy Rain

Part 3: Nobi and Sayo

Chapter 1: Spirit Fox Woman
Chapter 2: Sayo is Attacked
Chapter 3: Two Boys
Chapter 4: Attack on the Road
Chapter 5: Singing
Chapter 6: Dairou and the Other Two
Chapter 7: Nobi and Dairou

Part 4: Breaking the Curse

Chapter 1: Sayo and Koharumaru
Chapter 2: Nobi's Determination 
Chapter 3: Transformation
Chapter 4: The Power of the Curse
Chapter 5: Werefox Whistle

Epilogue: Young Cherry Trees

Author's Afterword

Afterword to the Paperback Edition

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