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The Fall of Daigo - Epilogue - Journey's End

The Fall of Daigo

Book 3 of the Dororo Novel Series

Toriumi Jinzō

Epilogue - Journey's End


      It was almost autumn in Eguri Valley, and the colors of the leaves changed unusually quickly this year. It was getting close to sunset; the huts in the valley cast deep shadows. Dororo ran up to the rocky area by the stream and looked down, face dejected.

    It had been almost a month since the battle at Daima Fortress. If Dororo had not broken in, the Hall of Hell demons wouldn't have been destroyed and Hyakkimaru would never have been able to face the final demon. He was a hero. Ochika and Namitarō  held a grand feast to celebrate their victory and Dororo's bravery.

    But afterward, Jukai and Hyakkimaru left to go to the Ruined Temple, leaving Dororo behind. Dororo had wanted to go, too, but Jukai had scolded him.

    "If you go, too, Ochika will be lonely," he said. "Just stay here for a little while. I promise we'll be back."

    Dororo glanced over at Ochika, who looked a bit tense. Dororo nodded sulkily.

    Ochika looked at Jukai with gratitude in her eyes.

    It had been a month since they'd left Dororo here. She missed the Ruined Temple, and Hyakkimaru, and Jukai. Ochika treated Dororo very well, but this place didn't feel like home.

    After a week or so of staying in Eguri Valley, Ochika sent Saruyoshi to the Ruined Temple to get news on how everyone was doing. The Togashi Clan was rebuilding their forces from the ground up, so the bandits and pirates couldn't stay in Kaga for very long.

    Three days after Hyakkimaru and Jukai passed into Echigo Province, Hōichi led Nui no Kata and Tahōmaru off secretly to hold funeral rites for Daigo Kagemitsu.  

    Where is he now, anyway?  Dororo kicked at a rock.



    The Hall of Hell demons were destroyed, but that didn't mean Hyakkimaru would get his body back. That was gone, forever. He still needed psychokinesis to see and move.

    H ō ichi caught up to Hyakkimaru and Jukai on the road the night before their return to the Ruined Temple. Hyakkimaru pulled H ō ichi aside and said, "There must be more people who can use psychokinesis in the world," he said. "Right?"

    "There must be," Hōichi agreed. "We know Jiraiya had it. His descendants likely did as well. It seems unlikely that you, me and Jukai are the only ones in the world. And Tahōmaru and Nui no Kata are related to you. It's possible that they have some psychokinetic potential themselves."

    They had no proof that the Hall of Hell demons were truly gone. Even if they were gone for now, they might return someday, in some form. Evil spirits were like that: eternal in a way that living flesh was not, rising out of human lust and greed. If new Hall of Hell demons arose, someone needed to be ready to oppose them. Maybe that was why Hyakkimaru had asked Hōichi such a question. Now that his own quest was over, he might start looking for other people like himself.




    Ochika approached Dororo by the stream. Even Eguri Valley wasn't safe from the Togashi Clan anymore, so the camp was preparing to move back to Noto Province.

    "Do you hate Noto Province that much?" Ochika asked.  She sounded strangely lonely and sad.

    Dororo looked up at Ochika.

    "You want to go home to the Ruined Temple." Ochika folded her arms. "I'm right, aren't I?"

    Dororo didn't answer. He cast his eyes down.

    "Hm," Ochika said. "Well, it's a little out of the way, but what do you think of stopping by Echigo Province before we go north?"

    "Huh?" Dororo blinked at Ochika in surprise.

    Ochika grinned. Her face was kind.

    "Is it really okay if I go?" Dororo asked.

    "You don't have to stay anywhere," Ochika said. "You can come and go as you please. And it's not like you can't visit me, or I can't visit you." She was still smiling. "If you're anything like me, you'll sneak out of the temple when it gets too boring for you."

    Dororo's eyes lit up. "You're right. That's exactly what I'll do. The next time I get bored, I'll come to Noto Province."

    Ochika laughed brightly. "I hope you never change."

    Dororo looked up at Ochika. "I have something to ask you," he said.

    "Oh? What is it?"

    "Will you be my mom?"

    "Dororo..." Tears sprang to Ochika's eyes. That was what Ochika wanted to hear more than anything else in the world. The idea that Dororo had chosen her for a mother gave her joy. To her, this felt better than confessing that she was Dororo's actual mother.

    "Thanks, mom," Dororo said. He smiled.




    Hyakkimaru walked down the road to Echigo Province alone. The mountain breeze was cool and crisp: it was the beginning of autumn. As he walked, Hyakkimaru remembered his mother's tears when they'd last parted. She had smiled at him then.

    A shadow followed Hyakkimaru on the road. It was Dororo.

    It wasn't clear if Hyakkimaru knew that Dororo was there or not. With the gentle wind fluttering his hair, Hyakkimaru walked down the mountain.


The End

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