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Dororo: A Novel - Part 7 Chapter 5 - The Tale of the Hidden Treasure on the Cruel Cape

Dororo: A Novel

Tsuji Masaki 

Part Seven

The Tale of the Hidden Treasure 

on the Cruel Cape

Chapter 5

    Daigo Kagemitsu and Hyakkimaru locked eyes. To Hyakkimaru, Daigo Kagemitsu's eyes looked like a dead fish's: empty, vacant. 
    "Looks like we have two boys here who crossed the border illegally," Daigo Kagemitsu shouted. "And they've joined up with bandits! How predictable." His voice was loud, but devoid of emotion. "There's no reason to draw your swords on them. Shoot them where they stand."
    In response to his command, the archers took up positions to block off Dororo and Hyakkimaru's retreat. The sandbar that the soldiers had used to cross over to the Cruel Cape was rapidly shrinking; not even an army of ants would find it safe to cross now. 
    "Do not draw near me, ruffians," Daigo Kagemitsu said imperiously. "Especially you--the one with the strange weapons in his arms." He appeared briefly curious, and it was no wonder. To an outsider, Hyakkimaru's body must appear like a secret stockpile of weaponry just waiting to be unleashed. 
    That was true, but Hyakkimaru had gradually added to his collection of human pieces over time. It wasn't fair to categorize him as a walking collection of weaponry and artificial parts--if that judgment had ever been fair. Right now, as Daigo Kagemitsu moved in with his soldiers, Hyakkimaru found himself wishing for a few more of his artificial pieces and weaponry. He was outmatched here, and too human to fight successfully against overwhelming force. All he had left to fight with were his sword arms, and neither of those would protect him from being made into a pincushion by archers. 
    When Kagemitsu saw Hyakkimaru standing there frozen, a tinge of pity flashed in his eyes. "Shoot them together. At least we can shorten their suffering." That was his intention: to make the punishment hurt as little as possible. 
    This unexpected touch of mercy stunned Hyakkimaru. Does he recognize me? Know me as his son? He could understand parents sacrificing their children under certain circumstances, but he didn't think any parent would find it easy. It must be harder for Daigo Kagemitsu to turn his back on Hyakkimaru now, with his child standing right in front of him, looking at him, right?
    That was what Hyakkimaru thought, but he'd only just found out that Daigo Kagemitsu was his father. He might be wrong. Is this really my father? Maybe, maybe not. This uncertainty brought back Hyakkimaru's urgency. He and Dororo would die if he didn't do something. All he knew for sure was that Daigo Kagemitsu was frightened of him, and Hyakkimaru's hesitation was weakness.
    Hyakkimaru looked back, his gaze growing even colder than the shadowy mist that hid the edges of the Cruel Cape. Then he saw something terrifying.
    It was a demon!
    What was it? It hovered above Daigo Kagemitsu's head as a ray of mysterious energy. Daigo Kagemitsu appeared human, but he might not be. Not anymore. 
    "You killed Tahoumaru," Daigo Kagemitsu said. "I would have punished him fairly for his transgression, but you've robbed me of that."
    Hyakkimaru regained his composure. "That's not true! Tahoumaru is alive."
    “That's a lie!”
    "It's not a lie... father."
    Tahoumaru was standing behind Kagemitsu.
    Tahoumaru stood there, arms crossed with a slight smile on his face, appearing hale and well. "He's not lying. I wasn't killed at Banmon. I was injured, and a lot of people helped me. Right, Hyakkimaru?"
    Hyakkimaru said nothing in response.
    "Hm, d'you think I'm rude or something? Should I address you formally as my older brother?"
    Kagemitsu was startled by this turn of events. "You... knew?" Kagemitsu asked Tahoumaru. "You know that Hyakkimaru's body was sacrificed to demons?"
    The retainers and soldiers who'd accompanied Kagemitsu to this place had no idea what he was talking about.
    Tahoumaru knows about Hyakkimaru, Kagemitsu thought. He knows that I gave Hyakkimaru to the demons when he was an infant.
    Kagemitsu flinched, trying not to show weakness. He shouted even louder than before: "Even if you are still living, these people committed a grave crime! I will kill them for breaking the law!"
    It must have been terrifying for Kagemitsu, seeing Hyakkimaru again after such a long time. Seeing the source of his strength reflected in his son's unwilling losses. He'd stolen his power, and Hyakkimaru was a reminder of that.
    Tahoumaru's expression twisted in distaste. "I see. Father, you're a hard man. If these people broke the law, then so did I. Will you kill me, too?" Tahoumaru stood in front of Kagemitsu with his arms folded, as forbidding as a wall. He stood in easy reach of his father; if Kagemitsu wanted, he could cut down Tahoumaru with a single blow.
    "W-what?" Kagemitsu stood there staring, dumbfounded. "Um, uh... Actually, I also crossed the border. I just returned from Asakura Clan territory."
    There was an uproar among the soldiers. 
    "Don't lie!"
    Kagemitsu sweated profusely, even though it was the middle of winter. "Silence," he commanded. "I have broken the law. Therefore, I am just as guilty as Hyakkimaru." He spun on his heel to further chasten his subordinates.  "Don't move! Your disobedience now is as good as a death sentence for me!" Kagemitsu shook all over--from anger, from being betrayed by the son he trusted, or fear of that same son's sword falling on him in judgement: it was impossible to say which.
    Everyone that served the Daigo Clan knew about Tahoumaru's skill with a sword. Tahoumaru stepping out to shield Hyakkimaru was the same as a threat. 
    Seeing his father's subordinates quiet down, Tahoumaru grinned. "Hey, Hyakkimaru. Take that little guy and run."
    "Run away?" Hyakkimaru was confused.
    "That's what I said. You've still got work to do, right? There's a boat on the beach over there. You might be able to take it if you hurry. Go!"
    Hyakkimaru nodded calmly, then ran off with Dororo.
    Not even Kagemitsu's samurai retainers gave chase. They knew that to do so would put them in the path of Tahoumaru's blade.
    Kagemitsu was visibly deflated. Tahoumaru had never defied him before, much less looked at him with contempt or hatred. He'd also never expected his own son to fall afoul of the law. Looking at his son, he wondered if this was an outcome that he could have foreseen. From now on, people would say that he'd bent the rules for personal reasons. A reputation like that would hinder him in his ambition to take over the world.
    And just like that, Kagemitsu took the plunge and decided that he'd cut down Tahoumaru, here and now. They would discover who was the better swordsman. He spent little time thinking over his decision and struck out swiftly with his weapon.
    Tahoumaru wasn't expecting the attack. He staggered backward under the force of the blow with his chest cut open.
    "Ah! Tahoumaru!"
    Tahoumaru put up no resistance. He lay on the sandbar and smiled faintly as if he were amused. "Father. I broke my right hand, so I was in no position to fight you. I see that you'll kill anyone who breaks the law." He chuckled darkly. "It seems I've doomed myself to death." Tears fell down his cheeks. "Farewell... brother."
    Tahoumaru murmured something else, but no one could make it out. He didn't speak again.
    The waves broke and scattered in front of the soldiers who were pursuing Hyakkimaru and Dororo. The tide came in, and the sandbar where Tahoumaru lay dead was partially submerged in the sea. As Dororo and Hyakkimaru swam to a boat, they saw the dorsal fin of a shark cutting through the water.
    The rest of Kagemitsu's men stood among the bodies of the fallen: Tahoumaru, Itachi, many others. It was truly a sight befitting the Cruel Cape.
    Tahoumaru was dead for no reason at all. 
    Dororo and Hyakkimaru, where will they go now?

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