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      Kaneko Atsushi's R: The Original    Beyond the Werefox Whistle    Fire Hunter Series    Gatchaman Novel

Fire Hunter Series - Glossary

Fire Hunter Series
Author: Hinata Rieko
Illustrator: Akihiro Yamada
Glossary of Terms

Asafuyou: A marijuana-type drug favored and cultivated by the capital city’s poor (and abused by Hibana). Very illegal.

Black Cart: New technology based on old technology, these large black vehicles travel through the wilderness from village to village, trading goods and gathering materials. All black carts ultimately return to the capital city, where they offload their cargo. They run off of fire fuel and lightning fuel.

Fallen Beasts: A variant of Fire Fiends that contain lightning fuel instead of fire fuel when harvested. They are flightless, four-limbed, smoldering black creatures.

Fire fuel: Fuel harvested from Fire Fiends. Used similarly to oil and natural gas that get added to electrical generators.

Fire Fiends: Demonic monsters in animal shapes. Fire Hunters harvest materials from their corpses, including fire fuel and lightning fuel (in the case of Fallen Beasts).

Fire Hunters: A group of men and women designated by the nation’s authorities to hunt Fire Fiends, harvest their corpses and distribute resources. Fire Hunters are under the jurisdiction of the Guardian Gods of the capital city of the nation. Every Fire Hunter hunts with a dog.

Guardian Gods: Semi-divine beings with long (but not immortal) lifespans. They have various forms of magic and often have control over the classical elements of fire, water, earth, or air. They control the capital city and the system of trade that connects to all of the nation’s villages, and have a complete monopoly on fire fuel and lightning fuel. Weaker Guardian Gods protect the nation’s villages at local shrines.

Lightning fuel: Fuel harvested from flying Fire Fiends (called Fallen Beasts) only. Lightning fuel is much more potent and volatile than its cousin, fire fuel.

Spiders: Not even remotely arachnid, the Spiders are a secret society that branched off from the Guardian Gods long ago. It is their ambition to depose the Guardian Gods and take over the capital.

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