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The Sorceress' Revolt - Ko Biji's Story - Part 8 Chapter 4

 The Sorceress' Revolt

Author: Toriumi Jinzō

Translator: Ainikki the Archivist

Ko Biji's Story

Part Eight: The Eunuch

Chapter 4

    One night when the moon was hazy behind clouds and Chō Ran was out running errands, Rai Ingyō visited Ko Biji in her chambers. He had servants bring in the meal he meant to eat himself so that he could share it with Ko Biji. This was unusual; he’d never shared his meal with her before.

    After Ko Biji’s maids helped set out the meal, Rai Ingyō dismissed them. “Thank you for your hard work. You may leave now.”

    The maids left, leaving him and Ko Biji alone.

    “I haven’t had much free time lately, so I decided to carve out some time tonight to have dinner with you,” Rai Ingyō said. “Please join me for a drink.”

    “I don’t drink alcohol,” Ko Biji said.

    “Oh,” Rai Ingyō said. “Well, what about this wine? It’s quite sweet and doesn’t taste of alcohol at all.” He poured the wine into a pretty flower-patterned bowl in front of Ko Biji. It was a deep, dark red and aromatic. “It’s delicious. You should try it.”

    Ko Biji picked up the bowl and drank about half a sip. It tasted of sweet fruit.

    “How is it? It’s sweet, yes?”

    “I suppose…” Ko Biji gave an ambiguous reply. She found the stale, fishy smell emanating from Rai Ingyō’s plump white pig-like body extremely unpleasant. However, as Chō Ran had said, this was undoubtedly the safest place for her to be at the moment. For now, she would not go against Rai Ingyō’s wishes, but she was thinking of using her Daoist techniques to escape in the future.

    Rai Ingyō poured himself a cup of wine and drank it. “Oh, it’s truly divine. Life is about wine, women, and money, hahaha…”

    Rai Ingyō’s high-pitched, womanish laughter left Ko Biji cold, but as the meal progressed, she felt strangely warm and dizzy. She placed both hands on the edge of the table for support.

    “Oh, what’s the matter? You must be drunk. You should get some sleep.”

    Rai Ingyō stood up and put his hand on Ko Biji’s shoulder.

    “No, it’s okay…” She waved him off, but her arms felt weak. She wasn’t even sure if she could stand up.

    “Don’t push yourself.” Rai Ingyō bent and supported Ko Biji, lifting her up.

    Ko Biji tried to resist, but she was paralyzed. Rai Ingyō was a man, and strong. He’d concealed the paralytic with the sweetness of the wine. He carried her with ease all the way to her bedroom.

    “Oh, how lovely.”

    “No, no…” Ko Biji tried to push him away, but was unsuccessful.

    Rai Ingyō jumped on top of Ko Biji and embraced her.

    She called out, but no one was coming. The maids knew that if they were told “you may leave,” it meant “don’t come in.” Ko Biji and Rai Ingyō were alone in her room with only the burning candles for company.

    Ko Biji couldn’t move, but she was fully conscious for all of this.

    “Please let me.”

    “Ugh…” Ko Biji struggled to even speak.

    Rai Ingyō put his thick hands to Ko Biji’s chest and kneaded her breasts.

    “Tanshi will be killed because he is a terrible criminal. But you are innocent. I will not do anything bad to you. I’ll make you my wife, okay?”


    “I’m hiding you. It’s because you’re beautiful. I’ll let you do as you like if you do as I say.”

    Paralyzed and afraid, Ko Biji’s nipples hardened under Rai Ingyō’s clumsy touch. He caressed her face and then kissed her on the mouth. Ko Biji turned her face away, but while she wasn’t looking, Rai Ingyō slipped a spit-slick hand into her undergarments. His mouth covered hers; she could barely breathe.

    Rai Ingyō stripped off Ko Biji’s clothes from top to bottom, then licked her sex, peering under the pubic hair. “Oh, it feels good…” Rai Ingyō let out a cry of joy from his drooling mouth. He removed his own clothes and settled back on the bed completely naked.

    This faceless, fat white pig with no sign of being a man in any way embraced Ko Biji and submerged himself in her secret spring, slowly crushing her beneath him. Before she met Tanshi, she was nearly raped by nine different men in a hut at the foot of Yunmeng Mountain, but she’d managed to escape easily by using a sexual restraint technique. This was one of Sei Koko’s secret techniques. It involved piercing a single pressure point on the neck with a needle. The pressure point was only the size of the tip of a needle, so it required great skill to master the technique. The victim would roll around in excruciating pain and would be unable to achieve an erection for the rest of his life. In principle, the technique returned semen to its origin point and cut off the sexual nerves permanently.

    Men afflicted with such a technique gladly threw themselves at En Kō and hoped for death.

    Sei Koko also used acupuncture to kill Kai Hei, piercing a single point in the medulla oblongata, the part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord and controls many vital functions. However, this required a much more advanced technique than Ko Biji possessed; Ko Biji wasn’t sure if anyone but her mother could accomplish something like that. The sexual restraint technique wouldn’t work on Rai Ingyō even if she could use it in her current state, because he was incapable of getting an erection. He lacked the parts for it.

    Rai Ingyō quickly proved that sexual desire could still be aroused despite his lack of parts. Would it still be possible for acupuncture to completely eliminate his sexual desire? It might be possible to cause her torturer to stop by inflicting extreme pain, but Ko Biji still couldn’t move. She was exhausted from resisting, and she couldn’t do that very effectively.

    As Rai Ingyō’s thick, strong fingers pushed into her, Ko Biji lost consciousness.

    Moaning at the height of his excitement, Rai Ingyō buried his face in Ko Biji’s white thighs.

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