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Beyond the Werefox Whistle - Dramatis Personae


Beyond the Werefox Whistle 

Written by Uehashi Nahoko

Illustrated by Yumiko Shirai

Dramatis Personae

Sayo: Lives on the outskirts of Yona Village with her grandmother. She possesses exceptionally keen hearing. 

Ayano: A midwife who takes care of Sayo.

Nobi: A spirit fox and sorcerer's familiar.

Koharumaru: A boy who is locked up inside the Morikage Estate in Yona Forest. 

Dairou: A practitioner of the Ogi technique. He serves Yuuji no Harumochi. 

Suzu: Dairou's younger sister. She lives with Dairou and Ichita at the Umegae Estate.

Ichita: Suzu's child. 

Kourou: A master of Ogi who came from across the vast ocean. Dairou's father.

Hanano: Sayo's mother. She died when Sayo was young.

Nada: Hanano's father. He served Yuuji no Harumochi. 

Kinawabou: Kidnapped by a Tengu and married off to an ivy spirit, he became half-Tengu himself.1 A friend of Nobi.

Iyotaikou: A great lord who rules over a vast area including the countries of Haruna and Yuki.


Harumochi: A lord of Haruna. His wife and close friends were killed by a sorcerer from the neighboring country of Yuki.

Masamochi: Father of Harumochi. Yuki no Yoshitada's eldest brother. 

Yasumochi: Harumochi's firstborn son. 


Moritada: A lord of the country of Yuki, which borders Haruna. Cousin of Yuuji no Harumochi. Although he is a kinsman of the Yuuji clan, his father's generation gave the Yuuji clan the power to govern Wakasa Fields. He is resentful over the loss of the land.  

Yoshitada: Moritada's father. Younger brother of Yuuji no Masamochi. He was adopted into the Yuki clan. 

Suketada: Moritada's second son. 

Kuna: A sorcerer who serves Yuki no Moritada. He wields the Werefox Whistle, using it to control familiars.  

Kageya: A spirit fox used as a familiar.

Tamao: A female spirit fox who is used as a familiar. 

Translator's Note:

A Tengu is a supernatural being that is sometimes considered a god, demon, or goblin. Tengu are often depicted with red faces, long noses, glittering eyes, long claws, and beaks like birds. They can also take the form of wandering Buddhist monks with wings and feather fans. Tengu are known for being talented swordsmen. They are also believed to have magical powers that they use for both good and evil. The word Tengu literally means "Heavenly Dog."

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