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Yatagarasu Series - Master Post


Yatagarasu Series

Volume 1: 

Ravens Shouldn't 

Wear Kimono

Author: Chisato Abe


Yatagarasua reference to a large crow that serves as a divine guide in Japanese mythologyis a quasi-historical novel series that borrows from Japanese and Chinese imperial traditions and customs, but isn't set in any specific time period. 
    The first novel in the series opens on a succession crisis. Four princesses will compete to become the next Empress, a position of great power and privilege... but they're also not quite sure who they're supposed to marry to do it. Two potential imperial heirsone legitimized by religion, one by birthnavigate their complex social position just as tentatively as the princesses do.
    Add to that the fantastical ability that some people have to turn into three-legged ravens, and you've got yourself this series. 



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