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      Kaneko Atsushi's R: The Original    Beyond the Werefox Whistle    Fire Hunter Series    Gatchaman Novel

The Goose's Birthday - Niimi Nankichi

    In the backyard of a farmhouse there lived a duck, a goose, a guinea pig, a rabbit, a weasel, and other animals. 
    One day, it was the goose’s birthday, so all of the other animals were invited to the goose’s home for a feast. The animals all came to the goose’s birthday feast--everyone except the weasel, who was late. 
    What should be done about this weasel? Everyone knew him, and he wasn’t a bad sort of fellow. He only had one bad habit, but it was so bad that no one would discuss it in public. To state it plainly: the weasel had a tendency to break wind, both loudly and intensely.
    However, it wouldn’t do to not invite the weasel to the birthday party. He would be angry to be left out. So the rabbit went over to the weasel’s home to deliver a message. “Today is the goose’s birthday, so please come over!”
    “Oh, really?” asked the weasel. 
    “Yes, indeed! But, my friend, I’m afraid there’s something I must ask of you.” 
    “Oh? What is it?” 
    "Um, forgive me for saying this, but just for today, please avoid... breaking wind. At the party.” 
    The weasel flushed red from embarrassment. “All right. I definitely won’t,” he said. And then the weasel went to the goose’s birthday party. 
    Various treats were served: soy pulp, carrot tips, melon peels, and rice porridge to name only a few of them. All the guests ate to their hearts’ content. The weasel, too, enjoyed the feast. Everyone thought that things were going very well. (The weasel had not yet broken wind.) 
    But then, something truly terrifying happened: the weasel suddenly collapsed and fainted! How awful! 
    The guinea pig, who was a doctor, examined the weasel's bloated, swollen belly. "Listen, everybody," said the guinea pig, glancing around at the worried-looking faces of the guests. "This happened because our friend the weasel wanted to break wind and has suppressed it for too long. To treat this condition, there is no other option but to induce him to break wind with all his strength." 
    Oh dear. Everybody sighed and looked at each another. Then they thought that perhaps the weasel shouldn't have been invited after all.


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